People who don't dress for the weather...then complain about the weather
People who brush their teeth in the work washroom
Anyone who writes an email whose message is really bitchy, but then ends it with a smiley face
Anyone who doesn't like Big Bang Theory
Exes who just won't go away
Skinny bitches
Whoever is in charge of casting the Batman Vs. Superman movie
Glenn Healy
George RR Martin...because I'm mad he won't hurry the hell up
People who do not agree that Mario Kart was the best video game ever
Conspiracy theorists
Russell Brand
People who cannot admit when they are wrong
Those horrible people who respond to long text messages with 'K'
Mother Nature...because this winter is unforgivable
Those corporate bastards who get good tickets to Leafs' games and then don't watch the damn game!
Twilight and all of it's fans
People who tweet where they are...nobody cares.
Shia LeBoeuf
Name droppers
Tim Hortons' Roll Up The Rim...because I went 0/8 last time
Women over 30 who can't accept that they should probably dress like an adult
People who shuffle/drag their feet when they walk
The entire month of's not a person, but it needs to go away.
The president of Uganda
The state of Arizona
George Zimmerman
Anyone who sits beside me on the bus or subway....grrrr
Lululemon...for never having sales.
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