- Paying by card. Even if you know you have tons of room or money on your card, there is always that innate fear that the card will get declined and you'll look like a loser
- Trying on clothes. You know your size...you shop at this store all the time. But what if you've suddenly put on 40 pounds and 4 sizes in the past few weeks!?
- Looking for your phone. If you didn't put it in the exact spot/pocket you first checked...instant terror.
- Sending an email. You send dozens, hundreds a week...but each time you hit send...are you 100% sure you spelled everything correctly and said everything in an appropriate way? Did you remember to mention everything you meant to?
- Missing that last step. That swooping feeling you get in your tummy as your foot goes down a step further than you were expecting....makes you feel like you've fallen off the Chrysler Building.
- When you have to take off your jewelry and/or watch for something like a shower or medical exam and don't put it back on right away. No matter how many times you remind yourself that it's not lost, you know exactly where it is....every time you look at it's not there or you notice the lack of feeling it...you're convinced it's lost forever.
-Stepping on the scale...because no matter how good you've been that week...the scale is an a-hole.
- When the boss asks to speak to you for a minute out of nowhere. You most likely did absolutely nothing wrong, but you start panicking that you're about to be fired- you start desperately trying to think of anything you may have done wrong that could warrant discipline- 'did I get caught using Facebook too much?', 'did someone complain about me?', 'do they know I've been secretly farming llamas in the downstairs breakroom?'
- Googling your symptoms. No matter what ails you, don't do it. Dr.Google never has good news. A sore throat? Throat cancer. An achy back? Your spine is deteriorating. Sneezed? You have alien pods living in your lungs. It's the same reason you should never read the 'side effects' on the meds...they will scare you into feeling worse.
- Walking past one of those annoying students with a charity clipboard. You don't want to stop, you don't want to have to come up with some excuse why you don't want to talk to them or why you don't want to give them your money...but you feel like a jerk because they're asking for your time and money usually to help the needy. You walk past every time with the 'oh god don't make eye contact' mantra and pray that if you walk by quickly enough they won't see you, like some opposite of a T-rex.
- When you have to take off your jewelry and/or watch for something like a shower or medical exam and don't put it back on right away. No matter how many times you remind yourself that it's not lost, you know exactly where it is....every time you look at it's not there or you notice the lack of feeling it...you're convinced it's lost forever.
-Stepping on the scale...because no matter how good you've been that week...the scale is an a-hole.
- When the boss asks to speak to you for a minute out of nowhere. You most likely did absolutely nothing wrong, but you start panicking that you're about to be fired- you start desperately trying to think of anything you may have done wrong that could warrant discipline- 'did I get caught using Facebook too much?', 'did someone complain about me?', 'do they know I've been secretly farming llamas in the downstairs breakroom?'
- Googling your symptoms. No matter what ails you, don't do it. Dr.Google never has good news. A sore throat? Throat cancer. An achy back? Your spine is deteriorating. Sneezed? You have alien pods living in your lungs. It's the same reason you should never read the 'side effects' on the meds...they will scare you into feeling worse.
- Walking past one of those annoying students with a charity clipboard. You don't want to stop, you don't want to have to come up with some excuse why you don't want to talk to them or why you don't want to give them your money...but you feel like a jerk because they're asking for your time and money usually to help the needy. You walk past every time with the 'oh god don't make eye contact' mantra and pray that if you walk by quickly enough they won't see you, like some opposite of a T-rex.
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