White Girl Blogging

White Girl Blogging

Monday, 9 May 2016

Words to yo' Motha

As it was Mother's Day yesterday, I will do what my mom did when she gave birth to me...I will unleash a terror on the world!!  The terrible boredom of more new words!!!

Waifchella (wayf-chel-lah) adj. The current fashion trend of making every girl look like she's trying to be a hippie at Coachella, but the clothing is only cute if you have the body fat levels of a stick of organic celery.

DDnied (Dub-bull Dee Nye-d) verb. Being unable to purchase certain items of clothing due to an overabundance of boob.

Stuperstar (Stoop-ur Sta-ahr) noun. When you do something that, at first, seems incredibly dumb, but turns out well in the end.  Example: dropping your phone in public but having it picked up by the cute guy/girl and starting a conversation.

Mother of Drag-ons (Muthur of Drag-gons) noun. When you call your mom for something quick but she ends up talking your ear off for 2 hours, no matter how many time you try to end the conversation.

Canadian Thermometer (Can-ay-dee-an Thur-mom-etter) noun.  When you go outside in winter with wet hair and it turns to icilcles.

Vegantologist (Vee-ghan-tall-ah-jist) noun. Vegans who are way too obsessed with being vegan and are always trying to convert everyone else.