It's a long weekend Friday, so instead of attempting to gather my thoughts into a coherent rant, I'm just going to list a bunch of people or types of people I wish would simply 'go away' forever:
People who speak at length on the phone on the bus
Mariah Carey
People who use the term YOLO or SWAG
Slow Walkers
Rob Ford
Doug Ford
Doug Ford's daughter
The entire Ford family
All Ford supporters
People who don't answer their text messages
The Kardashian family
Spiders- they aren't people...but go away
People who don't like cats
Larry the Cable Guy
FOX News
Anyone who has starred in anything Disney that's not animated
Canvassers for the "Because I Am A Girl" campaign in Toronto...piss off.
People who stand at Yonge and Dundas who preach religion (except the "BELIEVE" guy)
George Lucas
Men who pop their collars
People who post inspirational Facebook memes
Anyone riding a motorcycle in the city
Ben Affleck
The majority of the American Repulican Party
People who think wrestling is real
Cyclops from X-Men
Habs Fans
Sens Fans
Denzel Washington
Gwenyth Paltrow
People who say 'Cray' or 'Cray cray' instead of 'crazy'
Women who wear 7 layers of makeup at all times
Recent Adam Sandler...old Sandler can stay
Homophobic people
People who are rude to sales staff for no reason
People who wear crocs, socks with sandals and/or toe shoes
Gary Bettman
Whoever keeps cancelling Futurama
Joffrey Baratheon...I don't care if he's not real.
Morning People
The City of Ottawa
Whoever writes women's tampon commercials
People in fast food places who don't decide what they want until they get to the cashier
People who order more than 3 things at Starbucks
John Mayer
There are more...there will be more lists...but for now, a Happy Friday.
Rude customer service agents
People who only talk about themselves and their own interests
People who crash parties
People who don't get sarcasm
Vladimir Putin
Anyone who calls Wednesday 'Hump Day'
Nick Kypreos
Anyone who has ever been on a reality TV show
People who say "literally" to describe a figurative situation or occurrence
People who think 'yous' is a pronoun
Nicolas Cage
People who don't like British comedy
Women who flip their hair in crowded areas
People who think they're too cool for Facebook
Whoever thinks airing golf on TV is a good idea
Taylor Swift (aka Tadolf Swittler)
Kim Mitchell
Daniel Alfredsson
Guys who wear shorts in all weather conditions
Anyone who stands between me and Johnny Depp
All of CNN
People who text other people the entire time you're talking in person.
Aquaman...what a stupid superhero
Completely normal people
People who, when you hold the door open for them, take their sweet time
Anyone who shows up to Timmy's in the morning with a list
Women who try to look sexy by wearing uncomfortable shoes then are always in the way as they try to hobble along looking foolish
People who don't pay attention to the news
People who insist on singing along to the music but never know the words
White girls with dreads
Leaf fans that rag on Kessel
People you haven't seen in 10 years who invite you to their stag and doe so that they can get money from you.
People who stand near the end of a lineup but aren't actually in line.
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