I'm departing slightly from the norm...which is ironically normal for me. I will not be ranting or making new crazy words that don't really make any sense. Instead...I will simply share my personal list of the best Simpsons episodes of all time. This is purely my own opinion, which, means it is not right, but it means it is better than yours.
In no particular order:
1. Scorpio. Need I say more? The James Bond reference. The hammock district. The slow kid from Canada. I have a Hank Scoprio action figure on my desk, complete with flame thrower...because when project Arcturus comes to fruition, I will be joining the new regime.
2. Monorail. This episode put Ogdenville and North Haverbrook on the map. What wild animal wasn't called Bitey after that? Let's face it, who needs an expensive bid on the olympics when what we really want is that 50 foot elevator to nowhere or the popsicle skyscraper. Why did that guy stop for a haircut?!
3. Stonecutters. Who loves this episode? We do, we do! This episode only further proves that Patrick Stewart can do no wrong. This episode has the Egg Counsel and Steve Gutenberg...what more do you need?!
4. The Stroke. Dental plan...Lisa needs braces. Hired Goons. Play Classical Gas! This episode may even be the most consistent ever for laughs, it's pretty much non-stop from start to finish.
5. Terror Lake. Sideshow Bob was always pretty good for a decent episode, but this was his best. The rakes. The cactus patch. The elephants randomly celebrating Hannibal's crossing of the Alps. Mr.Thompson "I think he's talking to you". Brilliant.
6. Mindy. Marge and Homer's marriage has undergone many tests of possible infidelity, but never as good as Michelle Pfeiffer's Mindy. Where else would we learn to appreciate finding a turkey on a vacation from workey? The annoying bellboy with all of the sexual euphemism noises. Colonel Klink!
7. Beer Baron. Oh Rex Banner...you didn't enjoy your banana kaboom. Who didn't want to try a bathtub mint julep after watching this? Complete with nasal voiced narrator, this episode made me truly appreciate the joy of yelling "Kablammo!"
8. Softball- Usually when you have multiple guests appearances in one episode, things get messy, but this was brilliant. Gigantism! Daaaaaryl, Daaaaryl...it was all so good. Who doesn't still know the softball song at the end. Mister Burns' trying to bunt may be the ultimate cure for depression. I wonder if he ever figured out what sideburns are.
9. The Alien- Mulder and Scully came to Sprinfield and it only got better from there. The creepy music/symphony on the bus gag...the 'DIET' sign, Moe trying to carry a contraband whale. Add in yet another amazing guest shot by Leonard Nemoy and you just cannot go wrong. "It's like a lava lamp"
10. Homer's first gay friend, John. He taught us about camp value, that ultra-suede is a miracle and that Homer likes his homosexuals FLAMING. With some fabulous tributes to the steel mill industry and Hawaiian shirts, we saw just how ruthless reindeer can be "I've been tenderized".
I could go on, the Simpsons had some amazing golden years...long over, but still! I would continue my list but after thinking about them, I really just want to go watch all the old episodes.
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