Ok, so there are some basic life rules that some people just never got the message about. If you are guilty of any of the following, please a) stop it and b) talk yourself out of the gene pool.
Stopping in the middle of a sidewalk or hallway will get you shoved out of the way. Move to the side if you've stopped to check your phone, you're lost or you just want to look at something. If you are stationary in a place that is obstructive, do not be surprised when someone gets upset or, like me, hip checks your stupid ass out of the way.
Not everyone works Monday to Friday 9-5 or works night shifts etc, Therefore, when you're out in public or at home having a loud and raucous time, there is a good chance you're ruining someone's rest. This is the basic principle of not being a dick. Not everyone lives your lifestyle, so don't impose yours on others. If a neighbour asks you to turn your music down at 9pm, they aren't necessarily just a jerk, maybe they work the graveyard shift and you're ruining their sleep.
Being a parent doesn't make you a better or worse person than other people. Just because you have kids and I don't, do not act like you're better than me. The world is overpopulated and all you did was make it worse. On the flip side, just because I didn't have kids, I am not better or smarter than you and if I start acting like you are dumb for having kids, smack me.
Driver picks the music. As the shotgun position passenger, you are the driver's assistant, you do not make the choices. If you are sitting in the backseat, you have no say in anything at all- not even bathroom stops. You sit there and shut up and help the driver.
Do not post all of your issues on social networking. Nobody needs to know every intimate detail of your life. If I needed to know that much detail about you, we'd hang out more rather than be passing acquaintances on a website. Picture, general stuff etc is fine, but I really don't care that you just woke up, what kind of sandwich you had or every relationship detail between you and the latest love of your life for the month.
Low crotch jeans make you look stupid. I don't care if they are fashionable, they make you look like you crapped in your pants. I will not take anything you say seriously while I'm busy wondering if you don't know how to dress yourself or if you've suffered a sporadic rectal prolapse and that's why your crotch is between your knees.
Left-wing people hate being associated with SJW's and feminazis just like right-wing people hate being associated with the Klan and Trump. Extremists of anything give the rest a bad name. Not all lefties are pothead hippies who think everything is offensive and think everyone should live on a commune. Not all right wingers are racist homophobes who sleep with their sisters and have 4 teeth. Stop assuming everyone is a worst case scenario.
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