It's a long weekend Friday, so instead of attempting to gather my thoughts into a coherent rant, I'm just going to list a bunch of people or types of people I wish would simply 'go away' forever:
People who speak at length on the phone on the bus
Mariah Carey
People who use the term YOLO or SWAG
Slow Walkers
Rob Ford
Doug Ford
Doug Ford's daughter
The entire Ford family
All Ford supporters
People who don't answer their text messages
The Kardashian family
Spiders- they aren't people...but go away
People who don't like cats
Larry the Cable Guy
FOX News
Anyone who has starred in anything Disney that's not animated
Canvassers for the "Because I Am A Girl" campaign in Toronto...piss off.
People who stand at Yonge and Dundas who preach religion (except the "BELIEVE" guy)
George Lucas
Men who pop their collars
People who post inspirational Facebook memes
Anyone riding a motorcycle in the city
Ben Affleck
The majority of the American Repulican Party
People who think wrestling is real
Cyclops from X-Men
Habs Fans
Sens Fans
Denzel Washington
Gwenyth Paltrow
People who say 'Cray' or 'Cray cray' instead of 'crazy'
Women who wear 7 layers of makeup at all times
Recent Adam Sandler...old Sandler can stay
Homophobic people
People who are rude to sales staff for no reason
People who wear crocs, socks with sandals and/or toe shoes
Gary Bettman
Whoever keeps cancelling Futurama
Joffrey Baratheon...I don't care if he's not real.
Morning People
The City of Ottawa
Whoever writes women's tampon commercials
People in fast food places who don't decide what they want until they get to the cashier
People who order more than 3 things at Starbucks
John Mayer
There are more...there will be more lists...but for now, a Happy Friday.
Rude customer service agents
People who only talk about themselves and their own interests
People who crash parties
People who don't get sarcasm
Vladimir Putin
Anyone who calls Wednesday 'Hump Day'
Nick Kypreos
Anyone who has ever been on a reality TV show
People who say "literally" to describe a figurative situation or occurrence
People who think 'yous' is a pronoun
Nicolas Cage
People who don't like British comedy
Women who flip their hair in crowded areas
People who think they're too cool for Facebook
Whoever thinks airing golf on TV is a good idea
Taylor Swift (aka Tadolf Swittler)
Kim Mitchell
Daniel Alfredsson
Guys who wear shorts in all weather conditions
Anyone who stands between me and Johnny Depp
All of CNN
People who text other people the entire time you're talking in person.
Aquaman...what a stupid superhero
Completely normal people
People who, when you hold the door open for them, take their sweet time
Anyone who shows up to Timmy's in the morning with a list
Women who try to look sexy by wearing uncomfortable shoes then are always in the way as they try to hobble along looking foolish
People who don't pay attention to the news
People who insist on singing along to the music but never know the words
White girls with dreads
Leaf fans that rag on Kessel
People you haven't seen in 10 years who invite you to their stag and doe so that they can get money from you.
People who stand near the end of a lineup but aren't actually in line.
White Girl Blogging

Friday, 30 August 2013
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Things I wish were socially acceptable
How many times a day do you not do something because it's considered 'socially unacceptable' behaviour? If you're anything like me, this can average in the hundreds on any given can range in the thousands if it's a Monday. Some of these things, I can make my peace with why they cannot be allowed in every day society...such as pushing people into traffic, stabbing people in the eye and not wearing clothing whenever one feels like it. There are, however, some social conventions I wish would just magically become 'ok' in everyday stigma, no awkward transition period of acceptance...just totally cool.
- Telling someone that yes, those pants do make you look fat.
- Telling loud talking/obnoxious people to shut the hell up
- Scratching your butt when it's really really itchy (I will admit, this one would have to have limits)
- Calling an asshole an asshole
- Telling a server/waitress that your order is messed up without having to feel guilty
- Not tipping the hairdresser who just butchered your head...because you know you do it.
- Telling someone that their baby is ugly, because frankly, I'm tired of 'liking' the picture of your gargoyle looking spawn just so as not to be rude.
- Shoving someone out of the way who got there after you but tries to enter the subway/bus/building first.
- Wearing sneakers with absolutely everything...because I'm not friends with heels...they hurt.
- Declining a wedding, party, shower etc simply because you just don't want to go.
- Having 10 cats
- Drinking a beer before noon...this is just silly
- Telling someone they have food in their teeth...because I'd want someone to tell me that I have a chicken wing dangling in my molar.
- Throwing a temper tantrum as an adult
- Wearing feety pyjamas to work
- Being rolled around in stroller as an adult when you're just that tired
- Pointing directly at people who are very obviously being a douchebag
- Unfriending people without it being 'a thing'
- Calling BS on people who say that they can relate to your situation but you know they're full of crap
- Yelling "Move It!" to people who are in the way
- Wearing a petticoat... because why the hell not
- Febreezing someone who sits next to you who smells awful
- Not having to pretend that the large amount of fast food that you're buying is for multiple people...just admit you're pigging out fellow oinkers!
- Drinking beer at work, because that's where I need one the most!
- Let's all stop pretending that we don't text while on the toilet
- High fiving strangers for being awesome- because sometimes I do actually want to do this (like the guy on the subway this morning with a kickass Bowie tshirt)
I'm sure if I applied more brain power I could add a million more to this list- so comment me yours :) In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy a socially acceptable beer in my bathtub while wearing a Pope costume and watching offensive videos.
- Telling someone that yes, those pants do make you look fat.
- Telling loud talking/obnoxious people to shut the hell up
- Scratching your butt when it's really really itchy (I will admit, this one would have to have limits)
- Calling an asshole an asshole
- Telling a server/waitress that your order is messed up without having to feel guilty
- Not tipping the hairdresser who just butchered your head...because you know you do it.
- Telling someone that their baby is ugly, because frankly, I'm tired of 'liking' the picture of your gargoyle looking spawn just so as not to be rude.
- Shoving someone out of the way who got there after you but tries to enter the subway/bus/building first.
- Wearing sneakers with absolutely everything...because I'm not friends with heels...they hurt.
- Declining a wedding, party, shower etc simply because you just don't want to go.
- Having 10 cats
- Drinking a beer before noon...this is just silly
- Telling someone they have food in their teeth...because I'd want someone to tell me that I have a chicken wing dangling in my molar.
- Throwing a temper tantrum as an adult
- Wearing feety pyjamas to work
- Being rolled around in stroller as an adult when you're just that tired
- Pointing directly at people who are very obviously being a douchebag
- Unfriending people without it being 'a thing'
- Calling BS on people who say that they can relate to your situation but you know they're full of crap
- Yelling "Move It!" to people who are in the way
- Wearing a petticoat... because why the hell not
- Febreezing someone who sits next to you who smells awful
- Not having to pretend that the large amount of fast food that you're buying is for multiple people...just admit you're pigging out fellow oinkers!
- Drinking beer at work, because that's where I need one the most!
- Let's all stop pretending that we don't text while on the toilet
- High fiving strangers for being awesome- because sometimes I do actually want to do this (like the guy on the subway this morning with a kickass Bowie tshirt)
I'm sure if I applied more brain power I could add a million more to this list- so comment me yours :) In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy a socially acceptable beer in my bathtub while wearing a Pope costume and watching offensive videos.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
World Problems
I often see 'First World Problems' as a hashtag...which is fine...but it makes me wonder what other world problems we're missing out are a few from the 'others':
Those Romulans are so mean to me#OtherWorldProblems
It's so freaking dark down here!#UnderworldProblems
My family keeps dying from new diseases foreign to us#NewWorldProblems
I've been brainwashed by the dystopian state!#BraveNewWorldproblems
I hate Howie Mandel! #BobbysWorldProblems
Zombie....need.....brains #WorldWarZProblems
Has anyone seem my helm of invisibility? #WorldofWarcraftProblems
Someone please make Robin Williams shut up!!! #WorldAccordingtoGarpProblems
This magic carpet needs some seat belts!! #AWholeNewWorldProblems
Stop confusing us with wrestling, we save animals #WorldWildlifeFederationProblems
I don't care what Fogg says, we're lost dammit! #AroundtheWorldinEightyDaysProblems
OMG he's got a probe! #WaroftheWorldsProblems
Car!............Game on! #WaynesWorldProblems
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! #EndoftheWorldProblems
Those Romulans are so mean to me
It's so freaking dark down here!
My family keeps dying from new diseases foreign to us
I've been brainwashed by the dystopian state!
I hate Howie Mandel! #BobbysWorldProblems
Zombie....need.....brains #WorldWarZProblems
Has anyone seem my helm of invisibility? #WorldofWarcraftProblems
Someone please make Robin Williams shut up!!! #WorldAccordingtoGarpProblems
This magic carpet needs some seat belts!! #AWholeNewWorldProblems
Stop confusing us with wrestling, we save animals #WorldWildlifeFederationProblems
I don't care what Fogg says, we're lost dammit! #AroundtheWorldinEightyDaysProblems
OMG he's got a probe! #WaroftheWorldsProblems
Car!............Game on! #WaynesWorldProblems
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! #EndoftheWorldProblems
Hey Fatty!
For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived the life of a fat
girl. Even though I have lost 50 pounds
over the past 15 months and am now considered to be within my ideal range, my
mind is still that of a fat girl.
So, to all of you people who are skinny, slim, never had a
weight issue and your biggest flaw is ‘broad shoulders’ or ‘slightly wide hips’
or even ‘short legs’ but you still complain…I would like to officially ask you
to kiss my flabby white ass.
I cannot tell you how many girls I know who have never been
so much as a pound overweight (I mean medically speaking, not just ‘I am fatter
than perfect ideal body tone’) who do nothing but incessantly talk about their
weight, how they’re fat, how they need to lose weight…etc etc. I would just like to say, on behalf of all of
the women who are fighting actual weight issues…F-U. Seriously…F-U…F-U in all the ways you can be
Obesity is one of the few physical issues in society that it
is not just ok to make fun of, but it’s quite encouraged. Nothing seems to make people happier than
seeing a celebrity get fat (Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Simpson
etc). In my brain, there is a part of me
that is evil and vindictive that thinks “Good, now you’ll know what it’s like
on the other side”…but also a part of me hurts for them because now they will
know just how cruel people can be. (The
rest of my brain is devoted to cat videos, Simpsons quotes and thinking of ways
to fit the word ‘accoutrement’ into as many sentences as I can).
As a young pre-teen and teenager, I was mercilessly mocked,
both openly and behind my back by people I thought were my friends, because I
was fat. I do attribute having developed
a pretty good sense of humour to this because I always figured “if I can’t be pretty,
maybe I can at least make them laugh, then they won’t make fun of me”. While this has resulted in my being awesome
in the ways of bad jokes, puns and comedy…this doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to
reap vengeance on all of those who made my formative years all the more
painful. (Currently my plan involves 3 car batteries, a team of highly trained
badgers and a substance that has only been clinically identified as ‘Project
When it comes to weight, everyone seems to think that they’re
a doctor…it’s like how everyone who doesn’t smoke feels the need to tell a
smoker that cigarettes are bad for you….HOLY SH*T! REALLY?! I bet you they had
no idea! Thank you Doctor Obvious for
pointing that out! You’ve saved their
lives! Oh happy day! That news just shook their world!!! Oh…the tears of joy!!!!! Had enough sarcasm? Get off your high horses people and keep your
‘well intentioned’ but complete BS advice to yourself…or else I’m going to cram
that kale smoothie you’re telling me about right up your jigger (you get to
guess where that is).
It’s a total social taboo for a childless person to give a
parent advice on raising their kid, so does that not apply here? Giving someone advice on something you know
nothing about is about as arrogant, useless and douchy as a Kanye West
interview. Unless you know what it’s like to avoid shopping because of how
awful you feel afterwards because nothing fits…unless you have to shop in
special stores because you can’t go to ‘normal’ size stores…until you get
sneers from people while you’re looking through clothing racks praying they
have something that will fit…shut your word hole.
(As a quick side note: a lot of this can be empathized with
by a few people I know who have struggled on the opposite end of the spectrum-
with anorexia- it’s still a weight problem due to an eating disorder, so we
share a lot of the troubles and pains of not being ‘ideal’ and feeling
frustration with girls who complain but have no idea what it’s like to really
have to struggle.)
I’m not saying that I don’t get a malicious and self-serving
ego stroke from seeing pictures of the people who mocked me growing up having
grown fatter and fatter…but it’s not because I want them to suffer in the same
way they made me suffer (see badger-related plan), it’s because I want them to
know what they did and to maybe teach their kids not to be the same little
sh*theads that they were.
I won’t go into the many reasons and mental issues that
brought me to my heaviest weights and how I managed to lose it after so long,
blah blah blah…because, like a smoker, each person needs to find their own personal
reasons to do something or else it won’t work…me sitting here blathering on
about inspiration isn’t going to do it.
My message is simple…unless you’re actually fat…and I mean FAT, not ‘I
could lose 5 pounds’ or ‘I don’t look like a cover model’ weight…keep your
weight comments to yourself…keep your advice to yourself…and do not expect me
to take the bait when you fish for compliments about your looks by whining
about your waistline.
Because soon enough…I will simply just say ‘yeah, you’re
right, you are fat’ and then we’ll see how you feel.
Now someone bring me a damn donut.
eating disorder,
plus size,
Friday, 23 August 2013
A Grammar Lesson
The internet and texting have ruined the
English language, that much cannot really be argued. Some terminology that has come from these
sources has been accepted into the daily lexicon, such as ‘LOL’ , ‘BRB’, ‘FML’
etc. However, these acronyms and the
time saved by using them have spawned a generation of near-illiterate youth who
cannot hold a pencil.
Schools are not helping, this mentality of
not correcting grammar and spelling because it’s “all about the ideas”
BS. We have people submitting job résumés
who cannot differentiate between your
and you’re, their
and there, its and it’s. English is a difficult language with a lot of
grammar rules and bastardizations from other languages, this is true, but if
Ozzy Osbourne and Keanu Reeves can rub together enough brain cells to speak it,
you can learn how to use it properly.
So, let me spell out some of my most
hated English mistakes:
They’re/their/there: They’re
going over there to get their stuff.
They’re is a contraction of the two words “they” and “are” eg. “They’re
a bunch of dorks”. Their is a possessive
pronoun, “They said not to touch their stuff, so I’m going to do it anyways”. There usually signals direction “I’m going
over there” or is used in front of verbs such as “there are 15 bananas in my
2. Could’ve and should’ve NOT Could of and should
of. The terms ‘could of’ and ‘should of’
do not exist in the English language...they only sound similar to the proper
terms could’ve (a contraction of the words could and have) and should’ve (a
contraction of the words should and have).
Could and should are words that are only ever used in front of the word ‘of’ should not come after fact, I think those words
need to get a restraining order against the word ‘of’ to make sure it stays 50
yards away at all times.
3. I did good. No, you most likely did not. Most likely, you did well. Good is an adjective or a cannot be
used to describe an action. You did not ‘do
good’ on a did well on a test...if you’re describing how you did
something, use the word well...unless you sucked, in which case feel free to
say ‘I did good’ because you’re already a failure.
Spelling badly because ‘it’s just the internet’. Yeah, and Iron Man is just a dude in a
suit. No matter how many ways you think
you’ve deleted your posts and internet history, whatever you put online stays
there and can be found until the world blows up from either a solar flare or a Godzilla
vs Mothra throw down (shut up, it could happen). What you post now can be seen by any and all
future employers if they look hard enough, and believe me, some do. So, do you really want to portray yourself as
some slack jawed troglodyte who cannot put three words together simply because
you were too lazy to hit ‘delete’ before hitting ‘send’? This is also important if you, like most
people of this upcoming generation, ever intend to try online dating. As someone who has experience in this, I can
tell you that someone who has bad grammar and spelling is immediately much less
attractive as I will assume that they are poorly educated and do not take care
of themselves.
The use of the terms YOLO or SWAG is to be punished by death, no
6. I’m a gonna or I’m a go do this- No, not
until you go to English class first.
Unless you live in a cabin in the mountains of Appalachia, this is not
considered part of our common language. “I’m
going to” is the term...learn it, use it, memorize it, and write it down on
your hand in sharpie if you need to.
Next person to say “I’m a gonna” is ‘gonna’ get a swift kick from yours
7. Literally- this term has become LITERALLY overused. “OMG, I was so freaked out that it literally blew my mind!” No it didn’t. If that were accurate, then you would be dead and your brains would be smeared across the ground...which would be preferable to hearing you continue to mangle the language.
There we go, I have done my bit for the English speaking world at large for today. The next time I hear any of my friends making any of the above mentioned mistakes, rest assured in knowing that I will beat them senseless with the biggest copy of the OED I can find.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
The Art of Walking
As a creature with feet, humans walk...humans have always walked, even when we were barely sentient Neanderthals, we walked. It is a basic human function.
But is it just that simple? To quote the great John Pinette..."Nay Nay"
There is an art of walking, in that there are rules that must be taught and obeyed. If you are completely flummoxed by this idea, chances are you are guilty of one or many of the oh-so common infractions of the urban biped:
1. Slow walkers: Move. Get out of the way, move to the side, or just take a bus instead. Now, this does not apply to people such as the elderly, the disabled etc- this applied to perfectly capable humans who chose to walk down the middle of the sidewalk at a pace that would suggest they are composed of sand and any swift movements would cause them to deteriorate. If you walk slowly, move to one side and let people who walk faster pass.
2. No more than 2 at a time: Two is company, three's a crowd. If you are walking in a group of more than 2 people, you are only to walk in pairs when passing on sidewalks. Three people takes up most, if not all, of the you would just be sidewalk-hogs at that point. If there are three of you then one person must bite that bullet of being the third wheel that's dropped back and left behind like the soldier who didn't make it to the chopper on time (cue Willem Dafoe death in Platoon).
3. Do not stop or stand in the middle of the sidewalk: need I explain? Really? This is the same reason you wouldn't randomly slam on your breaks and check your GPS in the middle lane of the 401 during the morning rush. If you're lost or having a chat...move to one side, otherwise people are quite justified in brusquely moving you there with their elbows, shoves and anything else they may be carrying with them.
4. Pay attention: I usually walk while I have music playing on my phone and I do check apps and text...but when you get to an intersection, look up from your handheld metal device to see if a much bigger one is about to slam into you.
5. Walking with kids: your kids are just the cutest little things in the whole world aren't they? Well, they're in my way. Do not let your children randomly walk down the street with you leaving them to stumble about, walking in to people and holding up foot traffic. Stay to one side of the sidewalk, keep an eye on them and keep them in line. "He's just a child", yeah well, now he's just roadkill.
I will leave it at these five for now, feel free to comment your own walking nuisances. One that bothers me as well is people who drag their feet- too lazy to even lift a foot- I'm pretty sure those people are evidence of the devolution of humans.
So while we, as humans, may like to think of ourselves as the most evolved species and of a far developed intellect...the fact is that after millions of years of evolution, we still haven't even mastered walking on our own two feet.
Dear Parents...
I will preface this with the fact that I do not have kids, I
have nephews, but I myself, am not a parent.
Ok, now that that’s out of the way, what the hell is wrong
with parents?!?
Let me specify…not all parents…I take issue with parents who
take their kids shopping and let their little terrors roam the stores freely.
I was in the grocery store at lunch and a woman had brought
her 4 kids with her, all of whom had to range in age from 4-10 years old (I’m
assuming they were her kids based on the fact that most of them were loudly
yelling ‘MOM’ at her while in line, begging for this treat or that or whining
about god only knows what). Two of the
boys were running up and down the line, shoving into people, knocking things
over and just overall being little sh*theads.
The mother stood there, reading her gossip rag, picking her 4 inch nails
and sucking on her teeth.
Now please tell me why it is against the law for me to trip these
children and smack their mom with my grocery basket?
I witness this same phenomenon often in the best place on
Earth to see the failings of humanity….Wal-Mart!
Many parents are under the delusion that a store is a
substitute for a babysitter…as through the teenager with the nametag being paid minimum wage gives a rat’s ass
about your screaming little monster’s well-being. Is there a baby bonus if your child is
abducted from a store? Is that why they
do it? Are they regretting the spawning
of their flawed DNA and are hoping that someone will randomly take them off
their hands?
My basic theory is…if you aren’t going to teach your kids
how to behave in public, don’t expect me to behave by not smacking the living
snot out of all of you.
“Don’t tell me how to raise my kids!”….oh yeah? Well, don’t tell me how to drive my car after
I run your ignorant behind down, get out, give your kids a list of horrible
swear words and encourage them to use them at school.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, I see some parents
walking with their kids on leashes…literally! A freakin leash! You know that kid is going to have some
serious attachment issues in high school.
You might as well name that kid Milton, teach him to play Dungeons and
Dragons and kiss your future grandchildren goodbye.
Really, it comes down to teaching your child how to behave
like a normal human being in public and teaching them just how not to be an
I could do a whole other rant about parents who don’t
control their kids in restaurants…especially nicer restaurants like Keg where
people are trying to relax, maybe celebrate and have a romantic night…but
little baby screams-a-lot just wails the entire time while Mama and Papa
Jerkass sit there oblivious to the fact that their pride and joy is the bane of
everyone else’s existence.
But I’ll save that for another day.
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